Holy shit. I’m fucking gasping. We’re amidst one of the worst, coldest flat spells I’ve ever experienced. With consistent waves since the end of Summer, I feel like a fish out of water–which is technically true as the water is 40 and the air is 15 degrees. The only way in are proper waves, and that’s been pretty much not a thing since January 1. With two hours of two days of surf in over 20 days, it feels like the walls are closing in.
With no surf trips on the calendar, the only one I could look back to was the annual pilgrimage down to Hatteras Island this past Fall. While the waves were a bit lack luster in size, I’d take this trip 10 times over at this point… Anything to feel the sweet curls of a tube again, or the bogging of a rail…
So, it’s time for the lowest level of conversation: Remember when…
The boys all rolled up to OBX in rich style with the founding members of the trip dispersed across various mansions on the island. New faces came in the shape of first-timers as well as those we’ve not seen in years. We even found out a surf trip couldn’t keep our friends away from an OBX surf trip. Excell and Holland flew off da rock right into Election Day, and a road trip South.
It was easily one of the worst OBX trips in terms of waves. There were no overhead, tubing days like the ones we’ve grown accustom to over the years. However, as always, there was enough swell to surf. Plus, a few spots were groomed with awesome sandbars–despite the fact that our favorite sandbank was closed.
It was one of the best trips though, in terms of beach fires made, grillage, wizarding prowess, beautiful weather, and smooth sailing (for the most part).
So, without further ado… Here is the photo gallery from the trip that should have been posted months ago–along with the thanks to everyone who made this trip one of the coolest yet–you know who you are.
This is not financial advcice… But if you’ve arrived at this page, it might be time for a surf trip. It’s sad, but it’s the truth–which is not that sad.
It’s actually sad that this time last year, we were getting shacked out of our minds.
Having said that, when recalling other years’ past, I am reminded of one December-January 2018 when we did not have waves the entire month here in NJ. It was brutally cold. Myself and my surfing friends with no sense sat around waiting for waves. However, that year wasn’t much special until a March Nor’Easter rattled the entire East Coast, right down to huge waves breaking into Caribbean locales like Tres Palmas.
Hell, who knows… We might be waiting until a May South swell.
Don’t freak out just yet. While I like our chances for waves, it’s not looking good right now.